Anna's Site

What I'm doing now

Updated July 18, 2024

Working on a book

Just drafting and freewriting now, as it's easier to edit a bad page than a blank one.

Painting things

20-ish years ago, we got a corner cabinet from a big box store, which I painted. Last weekend I repainted it. Eying the front door now. Maybe a robin's egg blue for the door would be better!

Decluttering my house

I am artificially organized; getting rid of things is hard for me. I am also creative, which means I can always envision a situation in which something might come in handy. So I keep a spreadsheet tally of things I've gotten rid of, to motivate myself. I also keep a list of reasons why it is good to get rid of things. Both the spreadsheet and the list are helpful for me.

This now page inspired by Derek Sivers